Mold in Coffee & How to Avoid It

First things first, I understand the cultural value of coffee and I would never take that morning joy from you! However, coffee is a common source of mold and the toxins mold produces (mycotoxins). Unfortunately, these molds and mycotoxins are not visible, so we consume them without knowing.

The two most common mycotoxins found in coffee are Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin B1. Some information dismisses mycotoxins as a minor concern due to the small amount present in coffee. However, cumulative toxicity is something that needs to be considered. Common foods like nuts, cheese, cereal grains, and dried fruit often contain mold and these mycotoxins, as well, so you could be exposed at multiple times throughout the day.

Ochratoxin A is “nephrotoxic” (toxic to kidneys), hepatotoxic (toxic to the liver), and a genotoxic carcinogen (“genotoxic” denotes a substance that by damaging DNA may cause mutation or cancer.) I don’t know about you, but I want to avoid anything like that at (almost) any cost.

Plenty of coffee brands are certified mold-free. While I can recommend Organo and Kicking Horse today, I suggest doing your research online and finding a brand you’re comfortable with. I expected to recommend Bulletproof, but learned that they don’t share their mold testing process or results. For that reason, I also recommend checking (annually) that the brand you choose continues to provide the same quality you’re confident in.

If you like to shop local, you can buy from a coffee roaster in your area and enjoy the beans within 30 days of roasting. This isn’t a perfect recommendation, especially since the beans may not be organic, but I like to do this from time to time to support my local community.

If you’re wondering how to manage these diet shifts and wanting more individual support, click the link to book an appointment above.

In Wholistic Health,


My Favorite Brand of Mold Free Coffee

Organo King Coffee from Amazon



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