Health Benefits of Sauna Therapy

Sauna therapy is a tool that is deeply relaxing and provides profound benefits to the human body. Sauna Bathing is linked to:

  • Reduction in all-cause mortality (literally meaning death due to any cause)

  • Improved conditions like arthritis, headache, and flu

  • Reduction in the risk of vascular diseases such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease

  • Reduction in the risk of neuro-cognitive diseases (such as Alzheimers, ALS, and MS)

  • Reduction in the risk of pulmonary diseases

    More specifically, Far Infrared Sauna Therapy is linked to:

  • Reduction in chronic pain

  • Normalizing blood pressure & treating congestive heart failure

How to Prepare for a Sauna Session

  1. Hydrate! Add a pinch of salt to water to retain quality minerals while you sweat

  2. Dry brush to stimulate your lymphatic system

  3. Consider taking a binder, like chlorella, as you begin your sauna session. Heat mobilizes toxins and activates your immune system; binders grab toxins so that your body is able to more easily expel them.

Sauna therapy is not suitable for everyone; ask your doctor if a sauna would be safe for you. If you’re new to the world of detoxification, or wellness in general, and you’d like individual support, click this link to book time with me.

In Wholistic Health,




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